3466 Flower Street
Mama Magnolia
Mama Magnolia (detail, open)
255' of bandages (to memorialize and heal)
255' of bandages: to memorialize and heal (Detail: wrapping the belly)
Weighted magnolias: holding the family story
Weighted magnolias: Holding the family story
Reliquary for Uncle Bobby
Reliquary for Wanda: The sudden loss of her
Reliquary for Wanda: The sudden loss of her  (detail)
3466 Flower Street
3466 Flower Street

October 2020

Object Description: Small wearable sculpture. This ring spins.

Materials used: Copper, silver, brass, enamels

Dimensions: 5”x3”x3”

Mama Magnolia
Mama Magnolia

December 2020

Object description: Wearable sculpture. Ring is worn in the hand, and opens to reveal the inside as the wearer rotates their hand to be palm up.

Materials: Copper, silver, brass, wool, cotton.

Dimensions: closed 6”x2.5”x2.5” open 5”x8”x8”

Mama Magnolia (detail, open)
Mama Magnolia (detail, open)
255' of bandages (to memorialize and heal)
255' of bandages (to memorialize and heal)


This is a work in progress. It is 255’ of soft cotton fabric, torn and sewn into one continuous bandage. I am hand stitching text meant to be both the telling of the traumatic stories as well as the words of prayer or meditation intended to act as salve for the wounds.

255' of bandages: to memorialize and heal (Detail: wrapping the belly)
255' of bandages: to memorialize and heal (Detail: wrapping the belly)


This is an ongoing ritual/performance experience. I am experimenting with using these bandages on the body in ritual healing of generational trauma.

Weighted magnolias: holding the family story
Weighted magnolias: holding the family story


Detail of install

Object description: Wax, metal, hair, enamel, wood

Weighted magnolias: Holding the family story
Weighted magnolias: Holding the family story


The act of placing these heavy objects one at a time, over my heart is meant to give physicality to the emotional and energetic weight of the role of story keeper for my family. It is both a beautiful privilege, and a heavy burden at times.

Reliquary for Uncle Bobby
Reliquary for Uncle Bobby


Brass, copper, silver, precious stones, paper, wax

Reliquary for Wanda: The sudden loss of her
Reliquary for Wanda: The sudden loss of her


Copper, brass, silver, enamel, wax, photo

Reliquary for Wanda: The sudden loss of her  (detail)
Reliquary for Wanda: The sudden loss of her (detail)


The door on the right slides out and the door on the left opens on a hinge, revealing the roots of Lily of the valley from under the house and up through the roof. Behind is a shiny brass magnolia.