Transition: Day 18 (Sep 23 2012) / by Sydney Brown

Jake and I wake like clockwork. We set alarms, but never need them. Last night we did not set an alarm, even though we had a plan for the morning- and we slept right through. I am pretty good at switching gears normally, but today it had me all weirded out that my plan didn't play out. 

I realized quickly that I had a serious case of the sundays. It's been a very long time since a Sunday has brought on anxiety, but with the doom of my job and a whole work week ahead of me, my heart felt tired already and on guard. I am not one of those people who think we should suffer through our jobs. Clearly if I did, I would have chosen a different degree and a different career. Since I have always been someone who believes I can be happy in my work, my whole system gets confused when I'm not- and even worse when I am afraid of going to work. 

Again, Jake came through, pushed us out the door and got us into the chilly beautiful chicago morning. Fresh air was the right thing. My studio time was efficient and good for the spirit once again.  I think todays piece might be my favorite yet. I have attached a photo of my studio since I moved things around a little. 

Lastly, for those of you who pray, or send good energy or whatever you want to call it- please do it for me. I am sad about my work situation. Thankfully, this time in my studio daily has become a huge tension release rather than a stress like it used to be. Its amazing to believe I am meant to do this, rather than before when I was still wrestling with whether or not I was worthy of a field I love. 
